Which questions for what research ? The Humanities at the crossroads of disciplines
16-16 Jun 2017 Metz (France)

Call for papers

For the 3rd year running, 1st year PhD students of the University of Lorraine have the pleasure to invite you to the Early Career Researchers International conference (JIJC2017). We are thus sending our Call for Papers for June, 16th 2017. The conference will take place on the Saulcy Campus of Metz (France). We will be grateful if yaou could spread this call as widely as possible in order to support the success of our conference.


Which questions for what research? The Humanities at the crossroads of disciplines

June, 16th 2017. University of Lorraine. Campus du Saulcy, Metz.


Following the 2016 edition on the theme of interdisciplinarity, this third one-day international conference aims at bringing together young researchers from all over the world to reflect on their research practices. The starting point of any kind of research is to question its goals, and how they can be achieved. Therefore, we need to ask ourselves which questions are at work in research. In the current academic context, it is more and more common to call on the expertise of other disciplines – both methodologically and conceptually – which leads to the decompartmentalization of disciplines. It is thus only logical to consider research questions as being multifaceted, as each methodology, and each discipline, can shed new light on them.

We anticipate contributions related, but not limited to, the following themes:

  1. What epistemological and deontological approaches should researchers adopt today?

  2. What are the implications of the human factors behind research?

  3. Which methodolog(y/ies) for what research; Where are the boundaries between disciplines?

  4. Inter/transdisciplinarity and the contributions of research and new technologies to society: how can different perspectives be reconciled?

  5. How does research interact with its inheritance?

Participants can contribute with a poster presentation (A0 Format) or an oral paper, which should not exceed 20 minutes. A discussion/questions session will follow all forms of presentations. Proposals (350 to 500 words) should be submitted in French or English before April, 30th 2017 on our website. They will be examined in a double-blind test by at least two members of our scientific committee. For more detailed information about the proposed themes, please consult our event page at https://jijc2017.event.univ-lorraine.fr/. Moreover, the proceedings of this international conference are planned to be published. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: jijc2017-contact@univ-lorraine.fr


Guidelines are available here : Guidelines

Two Forms of contributions

Participants will receive an email related to their acceptance by May, 20th 2017.

PhD students from any academic backgrounds – regardless their year of subscription – or recent PhD graduates – who defended in 2016 or 2017 – are invited to contribute to this conference. Proposals written in French or English can take one of these two forms:

  • Poster Presentation:
    • A0 Format (841 x 1189 cm) / Portrait.
    • Mandatory items: name of the author, Research Team and University, a short bibliography.

A specific session will be held for poster presentations. The authors will have time to discuss their research and answer to questions.The steering committee will pay for the printing of your poster if you send it before June, 6th 2017.

  • Oral Presentation: the presentation should not exceed 20 minutes and will be followed by a discussion/questions session.

All forms of proposals should respect the following characteristics:

  • Police Times New Roman 12, spacing 1,5 (Word document named as followed:  JIJC2017 – SURNAME.firstname)
  • Forms of contribution (poster or oral presentation)
  • Title of the contribution.
  • Key-words (4 to 6)
  • A short and clear summary of the contribution (350 to 500 words)
  • A short biodata: Discipline, university, Research Team, year of subscription (or date of defence), email address, phone number.
  • A short bibliography (6 references maximum)

Proposals should be submitted in French or English before April, 30th 2017 on our website. They will be examined anonymously by at least two members of our scientific committee. Notice of acceptance will be sent directly to your email address. Moreover, the proceedings of this international conference will be published. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: jijc2017-contact@univ-lorraine.fr


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